These ready made templates are formatted to include contact information, terms & conditions, and guidelines for resolving problems. With Adobe Sign or DocuSign, you can gather electronic signatures.
First Name
Last Name
Employee No.
Make and Model
Serial No.
Additional Description
The Employer and Employee acknowledge that the aforementioned equipment is owned by the Company and shall only be used in connection with Employment. The equipment must be taken care of and kept in working order by the Employee.
The employee is liable for the fees and expenses associated with replacing the equipment if it is ever destroyed, lost, or stolen outside of the workplace. The Employee must notify the IT department of the Employer as soon as
The Employee shall return the equipment to the Employer following the expiration and termination of the Employment Agreement between the Parties.
If an employee wishes to buy corporate equipment, he or she must let the employer know and submit a bid. Without warning, the Employer is authorized to withhold the Employee’s final paycheck until the equipment has been returned or notice has been given.
The parties acknowledge that the Employee has received the office equipment listed above in good working order and complies with the guidelines for its use by signing this Agreement.
Name: On behalf of
Date: Date
Signature: Signature