E-Visa processing is a system designed to save travelers from delayed and tedious bureaucratic procedures and provide an alternative to visas granted at borders. Foreign nationals are granted an electronic visa. As well as you can travel and stay in a specific nation using an E-Visa for a set amount of time.
However, your whole personal information will be kept electronically on an E-Visa. Your registered email address will get an electronic copy of your visa from the organization responsible for issuing it. Moreover, we are making a survey on the experiences of our clients on e-visa processing. Let’s move to the survey without delay!
The E-Visa market generated Million USD in revenue in 2016, Million USD in 2020, and Million USD in 2029, with a CAGR of between 2020 and 2029.
Total participants = 50
1. Which type of e-visa processing do you prefer certainly?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
Tourist | 15 | 30% |
Business | 12 | 24% |
Student | 13 | 26% |
Work permit | 10 | 20% |
2. Meanwhile, which visa categories do you prefer for the e-visa processing system?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
Unsponsored visitor’s visa | 12 | 24% |
Visitor visa sponsored | 10 | 20% |
Residents can obtain a tourist visa | 13 | 26% |
A visa on express | 15 | 30% |
3. How long can you use the e-visa before it expires?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
1-2 months | 22 | 44% |
1-3 months | 26 | 52% |
3-5 months | 2 | 4% |
More than 6 months | 0 | 0% |
4. How much time does it take to receive your e-visa?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
4 days | 19 | 38% |
5-7 days | 22 | 44% |
More than 7 days | 8 | 16% |
More than 1 month | 1 | 2% |
5. Is e-visa processing after all cost-efficient?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
Affordable | 21 | 42% |
Average | 23 | 46% |
Not affordable | 5 | 10% |
Expensive | 1 | 2% |
6. Why is e-visa necessary at the present time?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
Hassle-free | 18 | 36% |
Time saver | 14 | 28% |
Easily accessible | 20 | 40% |
Others | 8 | 16% |
7. Do you also receive a refund if your e-visa processing application is denied?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
Strongly agree | 19 | 38% |
Agree | 27 | 54% |
Disagree | 3 | 6% |
Strongly disagree | 1 | 2% |
8. Does Payroll2bangladesh secure clients’ data when you provide your personal information?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
Strongly agree | 23 | 46% |
Agree | 25 | 50% |
Disagree | 2 | 4% |
Strongly disagree | 0 | 0% |
9. How is your experience generally getting an e-visa from us?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
Strongly satisfied | 23 | 46% |
Satisfied | 21 | 42% |
Moderate | 5 | 10% |
Dissatisfied | 1 | 2% |
10. Are you satisfied with our payment option?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
Strongly satisfied | 21 | 42% |
Satisfied | 27 | 54% |
Dissatisfied | 1 | 2% |
Strongly dissatisfied | 0 | 0% |
11. Do you want to take services from us in future?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
Strongly agree | 24 | 48% |
Agree | 21 | 42% |
May be | 3 | 6% |
Not agree | 2 | 4% |
12. Do we help for e-visa extension?
Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0
Answer Type | Total Responses | Percentages (%) |
Strongly helpful | 21 | 42% |
Helpful | 25 | 50% |
Moderate | 3 | 6% |
Not helpful | 1 | 2% |